Hi Harish,<br><br>You have certainly raised a very valid point. I think it boils down to how best you can leverage the social media channel for enhancing the organization's CRM capabilities. The scope of how one would like to integrate social media with CRM is immense, it is only that because of competition all around, one is just trying to make hay since even the end users are not very much sure of the complete gamut of value adds that Social CRM can provide. <br>And hence one of the easier of the lot is to just use social media as a channel to monitor various queries and also to launch campaigns. I believe, the social CRM is still at a very nascent stage and thus everyone looks at it from different perspective. So I will say no one is wrong here but no one even gives the complete picture. The point you have referred here is very valid but this will definitely be out in open once we are little bit ahead in the learning curve.